Are you looking to play at the College/University level? Coach Q can provide videography services to capture every highlight. Creating a sports recruitment video that allows you to showcase your atlethic abilities is essential in the process of being recruited.
Contact d-quattro@hotmail.com for more details
BEC Drill of the Week
Base Running Home and First Base
BEC Drill of the Week
Base Running Bury the Head
BEC Drill of the Week
Base Running Vault Steal
BEC Drill of the Week Base Running Running To and Through First Base
BEC Drill of the Week
Base Running Creating Offense
BEC Drill of the Week
Base Running Iowa Western
2021 BEC Drill of the Week Base Running A Running System
2021 BEC Drill of the Week Running The Bases For Success
2020 BEC Drill of the Week Stealing 3rd Base