Only four provinces British Columbia, Saskatchewan, Ontario and Quebec have been lucky enough to lift the Baseball Canada Cup, since the event began in 1989. Canada’s east coast, Moncton/Dieppe New Brunswick, had the privilege of hosting this years national tournament. Ontario and BC met in the championship contest, at Kiwanis Park, for the sixth time since 1989. It was Ontario who came away with a 9-5 victory, their ninth gold, first at the Canada Cup up since 2012, which was a repeat from 2011, also in New Brunswick. Noah Hull belted a first inning homer before Ontario added five runs in the second to take a commanding lead. Hull finished the game with four RBI and finals MVP. The tournaments “Top Hitter”, Austin Gomm added a double and two RBI. Ontario catcher Ryan Leitch was given the Top Catcher Award during the closing ceremonies. Ontario starter Connor O’Halloran struck out seven over four and two-thirds innings of work to get the win. BC chased O’Halloran from the game in the fifth scoring their first run and added a pair of runs in each of the fifth and seventh frames.

So proud of these young men, handled themselves like true professionals. They were motivated, determined and played with class. Well deserved gentlemen, you earned it.
Thank all the parents for their hard work and commitment to this year’s Ontario Youth Team. I applaud you all on how you raised these young men. Thank you for your dedication. Thank you to my coaching staff: Patrick Westhaver, Rich Leitch, Geoff Allen, the chefs de mission Frank Fascia and Don McKnight. Thank you to Baseball Ontario’s Dirk Drieberg and Mary-Ann Smith for their assistance in the planning process. Special thank you to Scott Robinson for shaping this program into what it is and for all your support and guidance.
For more information on the Canada Cup please visit: http://old.baseball.ca/cup/